Turning your Future Asset skills into interview answers

Now that you’ve submitted your competition entry, let’s reflect on the valuable skills you’ve acquired. These skills helped you during the competition and now will benefit you in future interviews and beyond!

Interview question examples:

Tell me about a time where you worked in a team on a project

You’ve accomplished a great deal by collaborating with your Future Asset team to complete your project for the competition. Working together required a range of valuable skills such as communication, active listening, and collaboration. Can you identify some of the specific skills you’ve developed while working within your team for the competition?

Additionally, you may be asked about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills. This is a great opportunity to discuss the role you played in helping your team work together effectively and meet deadlines. 

Tell me about a time where you worked towards an important deadline and what steps did you take to get there 

This question is asking about your time management skills. You can talk about the plan you made to bring together your research report and elevator pitch with your team. 

Did you meet weekly and go over your plans for the work you wanted to get done with your team? Did you delegate tasks in your team based on your team members skills? 

Time management skills are important to show you can set goals and organise your work without getting stressed about the task! 

Describe a situation where you had a problem to solve

In this type of interview question, you can talk about learning about the parts of the project that you didn’t know about. Maybe you and your team struggled to learn about your company’s profit or share price table. 

Did you ask your Competition Coach to walk you through the problem, or did you watch YouTube videos to explain the concepts? 

Tell your interviewer how you managed to overcome this problem and bring together your competition entry. 

Situational interview questions 

When an interviewer asks interview questions like these, such as “tell me about a time when…” or “describe a situation where…”, remember to use the STAR method! 

Situation: Set the scene and give the background details for your example.

Task: Describe what your responsibility was in the situation.

Action: Explain the steps that you took to address the situation.

Result: Share what the outcome was that your actions achieved.

STAR method example: 

Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a team member

Many situational interview questions will ask you about an uncomfortable situation with a co-worker or team member. 

S – A team member and I disagreed about the right approach to the elevator pitch video.

T – In our team, I was in charge of the video making, but I wanted everyone to agree on the best format for the video pitch. 

A – I sat down with my team member and listened to their ideas. When I took the time to understand my team members thoughts, I realised that there were ideas I liked for the video pitch. 

R – My team member and I realised that we both liked some of the other person’s ideas. In the end, we managed to work together and fit both of our ideas into the video pitch. 

The Future Asset competition will give you lots of skills that will help you in future. Contact us if you want some more ideas or interview tips!  You can also use the STAR method with any other experience you may have, such as working in a part-time job, looking after a family member or any volunteer work you may do. 

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