Teachers – How to help your students to get the best out of the competition!

You’ve supported your students in signing up for the competition – but now you might be wondering, how do I keep my team (or teams!) engaged and motivated until the end of the competition?
Here are some top tips on helping your students to stay on track and enjoy the Future Asset competition process!
Providing a routine
Has your team arranged a weekly date to meet and work together on researching their chosen company? If you haven’t already, you could offer out your classroom to give the students a quiet space to work on their reports and pitches weekly. Structuring their weeks will help the students manage their time and stay on top of competition tasks!
This might be the first time that many of your students have approached a research report like this! Knowing where to find resources and checking that they are reliable will be valuable skills for the teams in the future. They might appreciate some advice for finding, accessing and understanding certain sources with valuable knowledge of the team’s chosen company. You could point them in the right direction, or get the team to contact their investment mentor for help with tricky resources!
Making it fun
Creating a Future Asset pitch doesn’t have to be all work and no play for the competition teams!
When the students know a little more about their chosen company, why don’t you arrange a debate amongst the team, with each girl pitching a strong argument for or against their chosen company? This will get the girls thinking about their elevator pitch and (hopefully!) how to argue their case in the finals of the competition.
Lastly, enjoy!
Here at Future Asset, we are so inspired to see so many teachers willing to help students to get involved in our competition, and we hope that not only the students, but the teachers too, enjoy the competition and maybe even learn a thing or two!
If you need any support or additional ways to help keep your students on track, send us an email or visit our website. Good luck!