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Privacy Notice

Didasko Education Company Limited delivering Future Asset

Data Protection (GDPR)

Legislation known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into force on the 25th May 2018. As technology develops and data sharing becomes more common, data protection is becoming more and more important.

Many of us don’t always know how our data is being used and protected by the companies we’re giving it to, this new legislation aims to make it easier to access and control your data.

What is GDPR and why do we need it?

As technology develops and our private data is being used and shared in countless new ways, people are understandably becoming increasingly worried about security. There are two key reasons why GDPR was introduced – to bring all EU member states under one common regulation, and to update regulations to reflect our new digital age.

What Data does GDPR Protect?

GDPR aims to protect any personal data a company or organisation holds about you – including your name, address, email address, images, IP address.

You have a number of ‘rights’ when it comes to your data, including these although there are instances where these rights may not be applicable:

  • The right to be informed – you have a right to know how your data will be used by a company.
  • The right to access your personal data – you can ask any company to share with you the data they have about you.
  • The right to rectification – this just means you can update your data if it’s inaccurate or if something is missing.
  • The right to erasure – this means that you have the right to request that a company deletes any personal data they have about you. There are some exceptions, for example, some information can be held by employers and ex-employers for legal reasons.
  • The right to restrict processing – if you think there’s something wrong with the data being held about you, or you aren’t sure a company is complying to rules, you can restrict any further use of your data until the problem is resolved.
  • The right to data portability – this means that if you ask, companies will have to share your data with you in a way that can be read digitally – such as a pdf. This makes it easier to share information with other companies, such as your bank details when applying for a loan.
  • The right to object to processing – you can object to the ways your data is being used. This should make it easier to avoid unwanted marketing communications and spam from third parties.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling – this protects you in cases where decision are being made about you based entirely on automated processes rather than a human input.

Whether or not you exercise these rights is up to you – the main thing to remember is that they are there if you need them.

Didasko Education Company Limited and GDPR

We strongly believe that your personal details are your own and as such should remain personal, however we do need some data to provide you with the best service possible. Below we outline what data we use and our policies regarding its protection.

What do we do with your data

We inform you about events, lectures, teaching courses, Future Asset activities, answer your enquiries, register your details for events, send you other relevant correspondence regarding our charity and it is often necessary to hold some data. We may process photos or video to include in educational and information materials.   We would only ever share your details with third parties if we were to engage an event management company e.g.: to organise conference bookings.

What data do we hold

Depending on the specific circumstance we may hold the following personal data about you – name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, job title, company / school name, photos and video.  We may also hold some special category data for example health data if you have provided this to us.

Your data and Didasko Education Company Limited

If you would like more information regarding your data, please simply contact us at Didasko Education Company Limited, Newbattle House, Newbattle Road, Newbattle, Dalkeith EH22 3LH or e-mail russell@sifeco.org and we will happily inform you of what data we hold and make any changes that may be required. You have the right to object to how we process your personal information.

You also have the right to access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal information we use. In addition, you have a right to complain to us and to the data protection regulator (by telephone: 0303 123 1113 or post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF)

Didasko Education Company Limited, Company Registration Number 352872; Charity No SCO40205 is the data controller.

Registered Office: Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9EE

Information updated November 2020

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